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Updated: Jun 16

Spanish Parkinson's Federation. Communication Plan 2024


Our proposal aims to provide a unified and impactful communication framework, a common language to help convey key messages, thus helping to positively action the Federation's strategic objectives for 2024.


Design Research: Pablo Dávila Castañeda y Raquel López Vázquez.



  • To consolidate ideas within the strategic communication plan for 2024.

  • To segment users in order to adjust the strategy to each profile.

  • Identify opportunities that can make a difference

  • Propose concrete actions to "land" the strategic lines defined as a specific framework for 2024.


  • Desk Research: Internal and external analysis (benchmarking).

  • Interviews with different profiles of the Associative movement.

  • Ethnography. Visiting "APARKAM", Parkinson's Association of Alcorcón.


“It is a companion for life".
  • Parkinson's is much more than tremor.

  • Disseminate the holistic approach to PCP care: the physical and the psychological and social come together.

  • It also affects young people (1/3 of working age and 10% under 40).

  • Empowering and caring for carers who suffer a great overload (Project: "Family Respite" ON-OF Association) and especially women (the years it takes for a person to obtain an effective diagnosis of their illness is almost double for women: 6 years compared to the 3.2 years it takes on average for men Source: Study 'Women, Disability and Chronic Illness' (Platform of Patients' Organisations. 2019).

  • Focus on rural areas (30% of people with Parkinson's live in rural areas).

Diagram: The Journey of Parkinson's disease. Pablo Dávila and Raquel López.


No two Parkinson's are the same".

Distinguishing between:

  • Patients

  • Their close environment (relatives and caregivers)

  • Professionals (experts, non-experts)

  • Volunteers and society in general

  • Companies

  • Educational system

  • Health system

Diagram: The Parkinson's Circle. Raquel López.


"People's peace of mind has an impact on their wellbeing"
  • Combination of Information, Awareness and Activation projects to continue to raise visibility, awareness and increase the social base.

  • Transmitting a more positive image of the disease.

  • Scientific and social research projects: more data and research is needed.

  • To exert more pressure on public bodies and politicians.

  • Raise awareness of the impact of the disease on young women (gender as a cause of health inequality), in rural areas (limitations and challenges), in the workplace (limitations and challenges) and on carers (invisible and key role), as well as on the elderly and people with fewer resources.

  • To strengthen and make the associative movement more visible, transmitting a more positive and valuable image.

"The main challenge for the Associations is that they go"
  • Empowering the social and health care staff: making known the degree of professionalisation of the Associations.

"Therapies are the only thing that work"
  • Include Parkinson's on the corporate agenda.

  • Promote stable volunteering.

Diagram: Empathy Map.

Proposed Actions

”Seeing other young people helps a lot”
  • Outreach and awareness projects in schools.

  • Parkinson's and loneliness as a new axis.

  • Programmes with other young people with Parkinson's.

  • Informing Health Centres about the work of the associations.

  • Protocols validated by the people affected, what we call "informal wisdom".

And so, thanks to this small but big immersion, we found inspiring keys and powerful details to design the federation's narratives to help publicise its enormous work.


A thousand thanks to all the people who have collaborated so generously by lending us their time to help us better understand the reality of the people who make up the Parkinson's community and, above all, congratulations on the immense effort and beautiful work they do every day.

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