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How is your (mental) flexibility?

Simulation tools to help you enhance your creativity and a flexible approach to change:

Predicting the past

Looking back to look forward.starting from how it was to imagine how it could be.knowing the historical context, key events and patterns.taking a step back.pausing.reflecting.what might happen again.imagining.what would have happened if 'x' had been different...".

Remembering the Future

Looking from possible futuresThink from today as if it were already tomorrow.Accept that everything can be different.


Hard Empathy

To think and feel differentlyTo get out of your concrete reality to live other empathise in the first person and to analyse all the consequences, the implications, the lights and the possible shadows in the most experiential way possible.

"When it comes to listening about the future, it's far more important to be imaginative than to be right"

(Alvin Toffer, Future shock).

Let´s talk!

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